

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

@ Internet Librarian 2007



Amanda Etches-Johnson, User Experience Librarian, Mcmaster University


Chad Boeninger, Reference & Instruction Technology Coordinator, Ohio University

Michelle Boule, Social Sciences Librarian, University of Houston

Meredith Farkas, Distance Learning Librarian, Norwich University

Jason Griffey, Head of Library Information Technology, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga


What do the terms "Web 2.0 and Library 2.0" mean for academic libraries and librarians? Join our panel of 2.0 practitioners and experts for a day of exploration and discovery as we navigate the 2.0 landscape exploring what 2.0 tools and technologies can do for academic library users. Through a combination of presentations, discussion and hands-on activities, our dynamic speakers will introduce you to technologies such as blogs, wikis, RSS, mashups, social bookmarking, instant messaging, screencasting and virtual worlds. This interactive session provides practical examples of academic libraries that are using these tools and technologies, arms you with the expertise and techniques to introduce these technologies in your own library, and share strategies for getting buy-in from staff, administration and patrons. A worthwhile day for those interested in implementing changes to keep up in the Web 2.0 world.


Workshop Schedule



Presentation Slides & Links


Blogging and RSS, Beyond the Basics:(what you really need to know to make them work), Michelle Boule


Wikis in Libraries: Enhancing Services, Promoting Sources, and Building Community, Chad Boeninger


del.icio.us Libraries: Or, how to abuse social bookmarking for fun and profit, Jason Griffey


Going Where Our Patrons Are Online, Meredith Farkas


You Want to What Now? Getting Buy-in For Your 2.0 Projects, Amanda Etches-Johnson



The Academic Library 2.0 Unconference


We'll have at least an hour at the end of the day to answer questions and get some discussion going on the topics we've covered (or any other 2.0 topics, for that matter!). Each of the speakers will be available for a roundtable discussion on their presentation topics, so if we don't get to your questions throughout the day, save them for the unconference! Participants are also free to roam from conversation to conversation, depending on their own interests :)




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